From Iceland — Track-By-Track: Nokkur Góð, Ten Years of Sonic Supremacy

Track-By-Track: Nokkur Góð, Ten Years of Sonic Supremacy

Published April 20, 2023

Track-By-Track: Nokkur Góð, Ten Years of Sonic Supremacy

Þórir Georg is a name that needs no introduction to avid followers of the Icelandic music scene. A prolific artist spanning multiple genres and decades, Þórir has championed the indie-rock and hardcore scene for years, developing a cult following. Þórir’s Nokkur Góð (A Few Good Ones, in English) is his first of at least two releases this year. With plans to also drop a black metal album under the stage moniker Óreiða in May, one wonders how many hours are in Þórir’s day. 

Nokkur Góð is a compilation of songs recorded between 2009 and 2019, originally released by independent labels. Þórir’s lo-fi production and soundscape work excellently within the indie-rock, pop and punk framework of his music. Reykjavík Record Shop released 250 copies of the album on vinyl on April 14. Þórir Georg had a few words to say about the album’s songs. 

Ten Years 

Originally released on the I am the champions EP in 2015 called, which is obviously a dumb play on the Queen song title “We Are The Champions”. I always thought it was incredibly funny to be a band and write a song called “We Are The Champions” and I wanted to reference that somehow. The song references a song from my first solo album that was released 11 years prior to this EP. As the name of the song perhaps implies though, it was written a year before the EP got released. 

The Idiot Song 

A song from an album of mine called Ræfill. The lyrics are about how frustrating I find most public discourse of art here in Iceland a lot of the time. 


The most recently released song on this compilation. Only released digitally as a single. “Fastur” translates as “stuck” and the chorus alludes to being stuck inside your own head — something I felt like I struggled with a lot. Turns out I’m just autistic. 

Skiptir Engu 

From my album Janúar; an album that was a tribute to gothic post-punk and nihilism. The name of the song translates as “It doesn’t matter”.


The smell of vomit. My ode to Reykjavík nightlife as a perpetually sober person. From the EP of the same name. 


Greifarnir are a legendary Icelandic pop group from my hometown of Húsavík. I particularly recommend their 1987 banger “Þyrnirós.” Another choice pick from my album Ræfill

Segðu Bless 

From the Ælulykt EP. Like a lot of my songs, it’s about having a hard time dealing with reality. 


A song I had forgotten all about. It was released on a compilation of Icelandic artists called Iceland Whatever. I found it going through an old hard drive and you know what, it’s pretty good. 

Ekki Neitt

Another song from the nihilistic Janúar. The title translates as “nothing.” Figures. 

Years and Years

The only song on here from my album Pantophobic. It perhaps has a mellower vibe than most songs on the album, but I felt it fits. Pantophobia is the fear of everything. 

Ask Yourself 

The first song off of my album Ræfill. We tend to feel a lot of things and have a lot of opinions without ever questioning them. I think it’s healthy for everyone to second-guess themselves once in a while. 

Never Ever

Another song from the I am the champions EP. It’s about having a constant stream of music playing in your head at all times. Some of it’s made up, and some of it is music you’ve heard somewhere. Some of it is good, and a lot of it bad. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. This song is a bit of a banger, but then again, all 12 songs are.

Nokkur Góð‘ is available to stream on Spotify, or to download via Bandcamp.

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